ULUPUDS, 8elgrade


Journal 6/2010 (Museum of Applied Art), pages 7-18


Abstract (original language):
U Bavarskoj biblioteci u Minhenu čuva se najobimniji rukopis srpskog minijaturnog slikarstva, nastao krajem XIV veka, u nauci poznat kao Srpski psaltir iz Minhena ili Minhenski psaltir. Povez Minhenskog psaltira uradio je patrijarh Pajsije 1630. godine. U ovom radu analiziraju se način i tehnika rada koju je patrijarh Pajsije koristio prilikom povezivanja Psaltira, na osnovu fotografija poveza dobijenih iz Bavarske državne biblioteke u Minhenu, kao i pomoću rezultata istraživanja poveza sa istim strukturalnim elementima iz bibliteka manastira Hilandara, Dečana, Nikoljca (kod Bijelog polja), Krke, Blagoveštenja (Ovčar banja), Arhiva SANU i Narodne biblioteke Srbije. Obuhvaćena su i istraživanja vizantijskih poveza koja su vršili strani autori. Analiza je obuhvatila strukturalne elemente, tehniku rada i ornamentalno rešenje poveza. Radom se popunjava velika praznina u ovoj oblasti, a dobijeni rezultati mogu se primeniti za srodne srpske srednjovekovne, odnosno, vizantijske poveze i poslužiti kao metodo-logija za dalja istraživanja, kao i za restauraciju knjiga.

Key words: (original language)
Povez, Minhenski psaltir, patrijarh Pajsije, strukturalni elementi poveza, vizantijski povez, srpski srednjovekovni povez

The analysis of the Ьinding of Munich Psalter included its bookblnding structure, techniques and decoration on the binding. It was based on the photos of the bindings that were obtained from the Bavarian State LiЬrary in Munich and on the research results of other bindings with the same bookbinding structure. The method, techniques, and bookЬinding structure of the Munich Psalter were reconstructed Ьу the above mentioned methodology.

The Ъооk Ыосk of the Psalter is sewn with Ьiaxial arrangement of stitch, more precisely, the two halves are attached to the wooden boards in "V" configuration of groove and holes. Enbands has а cross-stitched pattem in four colors: red, green, Ыuе and yellow around three cords. The cord support of the endbands, in the previoш phase was wrapped with natural thread and anchornig to the book Ыосk and wooden board, with oblique holes from the edge to the outside of the board. The whole Psalter is covered in dark brown leather and fastened with two brass rings and pegs and with three entwined leather belts. The front and back cover are decorated with Ьlind tooling of an individual impression. Both covers have similar composition. Тhе composition on both front and back cover is made of two concentric frames and of two friezes on the upper and bottom side of the middle rectangle. The central section is crossed with slanted and horizontal lines. The space between the lines is filled with ornaments of stylized plants and with vignettes.

The cover of Munich Psalter testifies about patriarch Pajsije great skill and about his gift for composing the omaments. With his literary work, patriarch Pajsije was the last author of medieval Serblan literature. The same could Ье said about his Ъinding - the one of the Munich Psalter: Ьу its technique, bookЬinding structure and ornamentations on the leather, it is an example of SerЬian medieval Ьinding.

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