аrt historian, National Museum in Cracow


Journal 9/2013 (Museum of Applied Art), pages 23-35

ИД 203967244

Nuremberg goldsmithery collection stored and exhibited at the National Museum in Krakow is quite small but diverse and interesting for both visitors of the Museum as well as researchers interested in 17th century European goldsmithery.

The beggining of the goldsmithery collection dates back to the 1880s. The collection was mainly created thanks to the donors with a smaller contribution of deliberate purchases.

Among the most interesting collection items, one can find a tankard produced by a goldsmith Johann Eissler in 1682 with decoration of playing putti and wine tasting bowl, made in the years 1645–1651 in the workshop of a Hans Schauer, whose art heritage is represented only by a few pieces. Other exhibited items include a beaker with a lid – a work of Conrad Kerstner from the years 1670–1673.

An important part of the decorative art collection is the one of Judaica. In this group, there is a Nuremberg goldsmithery exhibit item – the so-called Kiddush cup made by Michael Müllner in the years 1621–1629. In this collection there is also a Hanukkah lamp, which dates back to the middle of the 18th century, and comes from the workshop of Georg Christoph Götz. There are only a few recorded works of the goldsmith around the world.

An interesting addition to the Nuremberg goldsmithery collection is a passion cross from the 18th century, with a protruding base and predella from the beginning of the 16th century. The city's sign of Nuremberg was discovered on the predella under a decorative plaque.

Key words:
Beaker, Goldsmith, Collection, Cracow, National Museum

Summary (translated):
Kolekcija dela zlatara iz Nirnberga, predstavljena u ovom radu, koja se nalazi u Odseku za dekorativnu umetnost i materijalnu kulturu Narodnog muzeja u Krakovu, primer je zbirke koja se lagano razvijala tokom gotovo čitavog XX veka. Istorija akvizicija predmeta i njihov opis omogućavaju nam da procenimo stanje zbirki primenjene umetnosti koje se nalaze u ovom muzeju i njihovih umetničkih kvaliteta, kao i da lociramo ove predmete u kontekstu delâ koja reprezentuju određene radionice.

Nesumnjivo najvredniji primeri srebrnine iz Nirnberga jesu oni koji dolaze iz nekadašnjeg Muzeja kneževa Čartoriskih, u vlasništvu Fondacije kneževa Čartoriskih, a koji se danas čuvaju u Narodnom muzeju u Krakovu.

Zahvaljujući brizi o ovoj zbirci u Muzeju, došlo se u posed dva dela Konrada Kerstnera, sa dve varijante pečata ovog zlatara. Dve posude koje su napravljene u radionici Zigmunda Birfrojnda, koje potiču iz zbirke slikara Jana Matejkamz, nesumnjivo su vredni primeri nirnberškog zlatarstva.

Među predmetima koji se čuvaju u glavnoj zbirci Narodnog muzeja, dva do danas sačuvana dela jevrejske umetnosti iz radionica Milnera i Geca posebno su vredna pažnje, naročito kada se uzme u obzir gubitak koji je ova umetnost pretrpela tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Mala predela sa predstavom Stradanja Hrista, koja nosi oznaku iz ranog XVI veka, izuzetno je delo, bez analogija, i najdragoceniji je primer nirnberškog zlatarstva iz kolekcije ovog Muzeja.

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