University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Architecture and Urbanism
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Architecture and Urbanism

NOVI SAD MODERNI GRAD: istraživanje, vrednovanje i kuriranje neapsorbovane modernizacije grada
NOVI SAD MODERN CITY: Research, Evaluation, and Curation of Unabsorbed Urban Modernization of the City

Journal 17/2021 (Museum of Applied Art), pages 23-32

Article category: original scientific paper

COBISS.SR-ID 53974793

Abstract (original language):
Grad Novi Sad je svoje urbane karakteristike poprimio u procesima intenzivne urbane remodelacije, infrastrukturne rekonceptualizacije i graditeljske modernizacije u drugoj polovini 20. veka. Tokom ovog procesa, Novi Sad je postao grad. Ipak, zvanične kulturne politike grada identitet izgrađuju na drugim vrednostima njegovog razvoja, te se on najčešće prikazuje i percipira kao srednjoevropski grad, austrougarskog graditeljskog nasleđa, koje predstavlja i osnovu vrednovane građene baštine. Poslednjih godina, pojedini projekti u kulturi postavljaju fokus i na neprepoznati „modernistički kod” gradske sredine i promovišu je kao vrednost identiteta grada, ali iznad svega, kao modernizacijski proces, u čijem ishodu je stasala urbana sredina. Rad istražuje pristupe, koncepte i domete ovih projekata, čiji je zajednički cilj predstavljanje i prepoznavanje „stubova posleratne modernizacije”, bilo da se radi o kućama, ličnostima, prostorima ili procesima. Cilj rada je da kroz kritički pregled dosadašnjih praksi ukaže na moguće pravce daljeg razvoja odnosa prema neapsorbovanim identitetima, procesima i ishodima modernizacije. Novo predstavljanje grada njegovim građanima – kao poligona procesa modernizacije i urbanog razvoja – prepoznato je kao prilika da se reafirmiše ideja o progresivnoj i humanističkoj funkciji arhitekture, koja menja grad, prostor i život.

Key words: (original language)
modernizacija, modernizam, urbani razvoj, kustoske prakse, Novi Sad

The city of Novi Sad gained its urban character in the processes of intensive remodelling, infrastructure reconceptualization, and construction modernization in the second half of the 20th century. During this process, Novi Sad became a city. Nevertheless, the city's official cultural policies promote identity based on other values of the city's history: it is most often represented and perceived as a Central European city, valued for its Austro-Hungarian architectural heritage. In recent years, some independent projects in culture have focused on the unacknowledged "modernist code" of the urban fabric, unrecognised and suppressed city's identity, and even more, on a process of extensive modernization in which the urbanity emerged. The work explores the approaches, concepts and outcomes of these projects, whose common goal is to present and recognize "pillars of modernization", whether buildings, architects, spaces, or phenomena. The work aims to point out, through a critical review of previous practices, possible directions for further development of relations towards unabsorbed identities, and the importance of architecture in this process. The recent representation of the city to its citizens – as a polygon of modernization and urban development – was recognized as an opportunity to reaffirm the idea of the progressive and humanist function of architecture, which changes the city, space, and life.

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