Academy of Applied Technical Studies, Belgrade Polytechnic College, Design Department


Journal 17/2021 (Museum of Applied Art), pages 40-49

Article category: review article

73/76.071 Вартабедијан M.
COBISS.SR-ID 53981705

Abstract (original language):
Tradicionalna simbolika javlja se kao suštinski izvor i sadržaj značajnog dela umetničkog opusa Miodraga Vartabedijana Varte. Kolektivno nesvesno izranja poput palimpsesta u umetnikovoj svesti, kao kumulativni efekat inicijalnih značenjskih tragova sopstvenog kulturnog identiteta. Neumorno tragajući, u svojim umetničkim istraživanjima otiskivao je na papir kamenu plastiku koja datira od antike do početaka dvadesetog veka. U kamenom kulturnom nasleđu i simbolima pronašao je nataložena iskustva i osećanja, duboko ukorenjene karakteristike i psihološke crte naroda. Sistemom otiskivanja reljefa (frotaž, vartagrafija), slikanjem i kolažiranjem, transponovao je zapise i slike sa kamenih spomenika u savremeno autonomno likovno delo koje je tako postalo čuvar umetničkog nasleđa. Slika postaje strukturisana likovna forma, čiji sadržaj značenjski dobija potpuno novi smisao. Ona predočava stav i poruku, ne više samo tog kamenog zapisa, već i unutrašnjeg bića samog autora.

Deo opusa opreme knjige oslonjen je na monumentalnost forme kamenih spomenika i karakteriše ga visoka estetika. Izdvojeni primeri originalnih rešenja korica knjiga i bogate opreme celokupne knjige često duguju i lepoti bogatog i raznovrsnog kulturnog nasleđa.

Analizirajući simboliku motiva različitih umetničkih ciklusa Miodraga Vartabedijana, klasifikujući radove iz oblasti primenjene umetnosti i dizajna u kojima je primenjeno autorovo likovno promišljanje, prikazuje se da je sopstveno stvaralaštvo stavio u službu kamena i knjige, najznačajnijih čuvara istorije, baštine i pisma. Ovim radom ističe se značaj umetničkog istraživanja koje je bazirano na narodnoj tradiciji i kulturnoj baštini, a postalo je način za čuvanje i prezentaciju tradicije nekog naroda.

Key words: (original language)
kamen, knjiga, simbol, slika, Miodrag Vartabedijan Varta

Traditional symbolism appears to be the essential source and subject matter of a considerable part of Miodrag Vartabedijan Varta's artwork.

Varta's collective unconsciousness emerges as the palimpsest in the artist's mind, as a cumulative effect of the initial meaningful traces of his personal cultural identity. Varta was persistent in his artistic research. Being an enthusiast, he used the technique of rubbing the paper over the stone plastic surfaces dating from the antique period to the beginning of the 20th century.

In the stone cultural heritage and its symbols, he discovered the accumulated experience and feelings, deeply rooted characteristics and psychological character traits of ancient peasant folks. By combining the technique of frottage, painting and collage he transposes the inscriptions and figures from stone monuments into modern authentic work of art, which thus becomes the guardian of art heritage. The painting becomes structuralised artistic form – the subject of which conveys completely new meaning. It presents the attitude and message of not only the stone record itself, but also the credo of the artist's own personality. Part of the work on book design is based on the monumental form of stone reliefs and it is characterised by very high aesthetics.

Varta owes a number of originally designed book covers and lavish layouts of whole books, from cover to cover, to the beauty of rich and wide-ranging cultural heritage. Analysing the symbolism of motifs in Varta's various art and design works, which present the artist's conception, it is clear that he dedicated his authentic oeuvre to the book and stone as the most significant custodians of history, heritage and script.

This work emphasises the significance of artistic research which is based on folk tradition and cultural heritage, and which points out the way of preserving and presenting people's tradition.

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