Branislav Cvetković
Art Historian, Regional Museum, Jagodina


Journal 2/2006 (Museum of Applied Art), pages 65-73

069. 51 : 091 ( 497. 11 )
34 : 929 Веснић М.

Abstract (original language):
U članku je obrađeno pet knjiga Milenka Vesnića (1862-1921), poznatog srpskog pravnog pisca, univerziteskog profesora, diplomate i političara, koje su nekada bile deo njegove lične biblioteke. Pažnja je posvećena Vesnićevim eks librisima, ličnim pečatima i brojnim zapisima i dopunama koje je ostavio u svojim knjigama.

Key words: (original language)
Milenko Vesnić, stara i retka knjiga, povezi, ex libris

Amongst the items in the Collection of ancient and rare books in the Regional Museum in Jagodina (Central Serbia), there are five that originally belonged to the private library of Milenko Vesnić (1862-1921), well-known Serbian university professor of law, diplomat, and politician, who was either the author or translator of all five. The books contain several personal seals and original ex-libris stickers of Vesnić, clearly denoting their proprietor. There are also several interesting inscriptions, ex-votos and letters, which have survived ordeal of his personal library.

From the point of art history and prosopography, the books may contribute to our better understanding of the bookbinding craftsmanship, the history of Serbian ex-libris, and last but not least of the personality and important scholarly work of Milenko Vesnić.

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