Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, Srbija

POSTAJANJE-ŠPICOM: digitalna animacija u uvodnim špicama televizijskih serija
BECOMING-A-TITLE-SEQUENCE: Digital Animation in Television Series Title Sequences

Zbornik 13/2017 (Muzej primenjene umetnosti), strana 77-83

Kategorija članka: pregledni rad


U radu interpretiramo poetike digitalne animacije u uvodnim špicama televizijskih serija novije produkcije koje prikazuju delezovski (Gilles Deleuze) čin postajanja, odnosno proces promene flukseva svesti ili oblika neke jedinke, predmeta ili partikule. Postajanje u uvodnim špicama serija predstavljeno je, najčešće, digitalnom animacijom koju realizuju timovi od nekoliko desetina autora u okviru produkcijskog studija. U ovom radu razmatraju se uvodne špice u kojima se predstave ljudi, životinja, teksta, predmeta ili raznih pojava, digitalnom animacijom transformišu u neki novi vid postojanja. Autori špica koriste nasleđe raznorodnih vizuelnih umetnosti da bi stvorili nove narative, imanentne digitalnoj animaciji u uvodnim špicama televizijskih serija. Na ovaj način, špice serija, kao integralni oblik primenjene umetnosti koji služi da najavi pojedinu seriju, ispunjavaju svoju ulogu na sasvim nov komunikacijski način, pri čemu istovremeno teže da postanu samostalno umetničko delo.

Ključne reči:
digitalna animacija, postajanje, televizijska serija, uvodna špica, Patrik Kler

The improved production quality of drama series in the early 2000s, primarily on American cable television networks such as HBO, Showtime, AMC, Starz and FX, and, recently, on streaming websites, such as Hulu, Netflix and Amazon, has been accompanied with an improved environment for designing TV series title sequences. In collaboration with the authors of TV series, teams consisting of several dozen authors are engaged by production studios; they are led by designers and directors of title sequences who use digital animation to show the period in which the events presented in the series unfold and the changing fluxes of consciousness in the main characters and relationships among them during the series. This change is an important aspect of Deleuze's concept of becoming, which implies the movement of one form of life, the condition of an object or the way of thinking about another, the pursued one. The intention of the authors of title sequences is to symbolically depict, in a condensed art form and using digital animation, the deviation to which characters or objects are subject in the process of becoming in the series. Furthermore, the authors of TV series title sequences use the heritage of diverse visual arts to create new narratives, immanent to digital animation in TV series title sequences. In this way, a title sequence, as an integral form of applied art that announces a series, fulfils its role in a completely new way in terms of communication, while at the same time seeking to become an independent work of art.

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