Милица Крижанац

Весна Бикић, Градска керамика Београда (16-17. век), Археолошки институт, Београд, 2003, 187 стр. текста, 420 цртежа, 35 колор фотографија, библиографија 7 стр., 13 стр. резимеа на енглеском језику
Vesna Bikić, Belgrade Ceramics in the 16th – 17th Century, Archaeological Institute, Belgrade, 2003, 187 text pages, 420 drawings, 35 color photographs, 7 pages of bibliography, 13 pages of summary in English

Зборник 1/2005 (Музеј примењене уметности), страна 123-126

The book begins with a survey of the historical events in Belgrade during the 16th and the 17th century that were significant for the town developing from a military fortress to a Turkish town, and continuous with the catalog of published native and foreign ceramics material. Although the ceramics of the 16th and the 17th century are usually designated as „Turkish“, the author suggests the term „town ceramics“ which in the right way represents its disposition of recognizable ceramics, mainly used in the urban center of the Ottoman empire.

The Typology of town ceramics of the 16th and the 17th century includes 19 different forms, 11 of them are dishes and 8 are objects used in everyday life of Belgrade inhabitants of that time. Among the dishes, used for preparing, cooking and baking food, storing groceries or serving food and drinks, the most diversified are the bowls (34 types) and pots (33). The jugs (26), lids (16), plates (7), pitchers (12), goblets (17), saltshaker (1), earthenware pans (11), strainers (3) and jars (6) are also represented. There are, besides the dishes, various ceramics artifacts as pipes, inkwells, toys, cups, flutes. Objects that were integral parts of interiors were, as well, numerous: candlesticks, stoves, acoustics resonators. There also appear objects for private use as night pots.

The characteristics of the ceramics from the mentioned period of continuous Turkish rule (1521 – 1688), that represents a transitional phase of production between medieval and modern times folk ceramics, are discussed in the next chapter. Three groups are distinguished, two of them representing direct inheritance from the Middle Ages, from the Serbian provinces and central Europe, and the third is Osmanli ceramics, imbued with ceramics inheritance of China, Persia and Byzantium. The Central European influences already presented through the Late Byzantine and Balkan (Serbia and Bulgaria) production were incorporated to a great extent just after the Turkish conquest of south Hungary, while the ceramics from the Osmanli epoch arrived to the territory of Belgrade in the third decade of the 16th century.

In this way systematized ceramics material in the monograph Belgrade Ceramics in the 16th – 17th Century could be a stimulus for the continuation of studying and publishing abundant unpublished ceramics material from the Osmanli epoch from the other sites at the territory of Serbia.

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