The Collection of Architecture, Urbanism and Architectural Design was founded in 1974. The Collection deals with the historiography, architectural theory, and architectural design of the 20th century, with a particular focus on Serbian architecture. The Collection documents, researches, studies and exhibits works of architecture, urbanism and architectural design, aiming to present a wide range of forms and contents of the contemporary architecture through exhibitions of the known and less known architects, phenomena and movements. In addition, the Collection systematically realises programmatic educational series about problems in historiography, architectural theory and design or everyday practice, as well as talks about architecture, interviews with architects and events – performances. The Collection has established collaboration and communication with numerous similar institutions and associations in the country as well as abroad. The special accent is given to the establishment of interaction between the public, architects, investors, between the elite and the popular culture. The Salon of Architecture, an annual exhibition of the contemporary Serbian architecture, has been held in continuity at the Museum ever since 1974. The Grand Prix of the Salon of Architecture is one of the most prestigious awards in the career of each laureate architect. The Collection houses two bequests: the bequest of architect Miladin Prljević (1900–1973), and the bequest of professor Branko Maksimović, PhD (1900–1988), architect, member of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Curator: Slobodan Jović, Curator