The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, Koen Adam, visited the Museum of Applied Art

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, Koen Adam, visited the Museum of Applied Art

21 January 2021

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, Koen Adam, visited the Museum of Applied Art and talked with the Director of the Museum, Ljiljana Miletić Abramović. In the conversation, they emphasized the mutual interest and openness for the institutionalization of cooperation in the field of comics between the Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade and related museums in Belgium, as well as the cooperation within other projects with European partners. On that occasion, Ambassador Adam, in a short tour, paid a visit to the exhibition marking the 70th anniversary of the Museum of Applied Art and the permanent exhibition of the Museum.

The visit of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium Adam to the Museum of Applied Art was initiated during the Ambassador’s visit to the Ministry of Culture and Information and talks with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Information Maja Gojković on December 28, 2020.