49th Children's October Salon - I Love Sport

49th Children's October Salon - I Love Sport

02 - 25 October 2014

Opening ceremony: Thursday, 2 October 2014 at 18:00
Exhibition will be opened by Predrag Peruničić, State Secretary for Sports in The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia
Programme: Vocal group „Find your star“, Snežana Despotović
Granting diplomas and awards: Thursday, 23 October 2014 at 18:00
Curators of the exhibition: Angelina Folgić Korjak, Museum Advisor and Jelena Knežević, curator
Organization: Museum of Applied Art
49th Children’s October Salon is dedicated to physical culture and the culture of sport, and it bears the title I Love Sport. Our intention has been to focus attention on pursuits aimed at fostering physical activity as a source of health, playing and tolerance among young people and children. By bringing sport and applied art together, a creative atmosphere for combining sport and artistic disciplines has been created. Participants of the contest were instructed to seek inspiration in all aspects of sports, ranging from sporting games for preschool children, gymnastics and sports days at schools, to sports competitions, championships and global sporting events, such as the Olympics.

By developing a strong will to achieve as good results as possible and gain victory in a competition, a successful sportsman can become a role model to young people in developing their potential in everyday situations.

Education in art is very important for the intellectual, emotional and social development of children. By participating in artistic activities, a child broadens its perceptual abilities and practices new skills related to self-expression and communication. Art helps develop imagination, creativity, and offers a particularly good opportunity for exploring one’s own internal impulses and developing motivation and self-confidence. The involvement with an art-related task provides a unique opportunity to express one’s thoughts, feelings and ideas through visual means. Learning art helps integrate schoolchildren’s sensibility and improves their cognitive and motor capacities.

Experience in art has a very important role in developing the ability of schoolchildren to actively participate in creating their own future, to expand their knowledge of the world and the human nature, to get acquainted with various artistic practices in contemporary culture, history and heritage. Art education contributes to the development of pupils’ individual aesthetic and overall abilities and enables them to participate in new creative industries, such as visual communication, fashion, industrial design, interior design, creative crafts and marketing. Skills and abilities that are developed through artistic pursuits can be applied in many areas of everyday life and they are an integral part of a complex and sophisticated personality.

Selection of Works:

Photographs from the opening ceremony

Author of photographs: Veselin Milunović


The text about 49th Children’s October Salon can be downloaded as PDF file:

49th COS – I Love Sport