Exhibition of the Drvo Art Technical School, Belgrade

10 - 17 March 2023

FOOTSTOOL - Exhibition of the Drvo Art Technical School, Belgrade

Ceremonial opening of the exhibition with award giving: Friday, 10 March 2023 at 6 pm

Exhibition coordinator: Мilica Cukić, MAA adviser

Organizer: MAA and the Drvo Art Technical School, Belgrade


“The Footstool” is the theme of the latest, 12th consecutive international Creative Workshop dubbed Design Playground of the Drvo Art Technical School, held on the premises of the school. The finale of this workshop is a joint exhibition organized within the area of the MAA Youth Gallery. The Museum of Applied Art supports the realization of this creative and innovative educational program during the long-term and very successful cooperation with the Drvo Art school.

After a three-year break due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Technical School Drvo Art is again organizing this international gathering where the teachers and students of the host school and their partner schools from Italy and France will display their skills.

During the workshop part, the students, under the mentorship of their teacher, created prototypes of foot stools using wood and textiles as materials. An additional challenge for the participants is the requirement that the stools should be easily transportable and foldable, to be used not only for sitting but also to be stowed.

Traditionally, this year as well, awards will be given to students and their teachers for special achievements in the realization of this year’s workshop.