All publications of the Museum of Applied Art can be purchased at the Museum as well as through the internet bookstores and

  1. On tenderness, responsibility and dreams : Republic of Serbia at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2023.

    О нежности, одговорности и сновима : наступ Републике Србије на Прашком квадријеналу сценског дизајна и сценског простора 2023. / On tenderness, responsibility and dreams : Republic of Serbia at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2023.


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Editors: Biljana Jotić, Sladjana Milićević

    233 pages, illustrations, 23 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-6022-600-8

    ISBN 978-86-6022-599-5 [electronic source]


  2. The stamp of time : the graphic communications of Andreja Milenković

    Жиг времена : графичке комуникације Андреје Миленковића / The stamp of time : the graphic communications of Andreja Milenković


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Author of the contributions and exhibition: Slobodan Jovanović

    78 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-867415-255-3


  3. 58<sup>th</sup> Children’s October Salon : Fear and a Bold Heart

    58. Дечји октобарски салон : страх и храбро срце / 58th Children’s October Salon : Fear and a Bold Heart


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2023

    Authors of catalogs and exhibitions: Milica Cukić, Lea Zei

    146 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-254-6


  4. Valentina Savić : Home Economics Class : I’ll show you mine if you show me yours

    Валентина Савић : Час домаћинства: I'll show you mine if you show me yours / Valentina Savić : Home Economics Class : I’ll show you mine if you show me yours


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2023

    Authors of the contributions: Jelena Popović, Nada Maćig Sekulić

    119 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-253-9

    Price: 800.00 dinars

  5. 134 : Sacred geometry : Republic of Serbia represent, Somerset house, London

    134 : Света геометрија : наступ Републике Србије, Лондонско бијенале дизајна, Сомерсет кућа, Лондон / 134 : Sacred geometry : Republic of Serbia represent, Somerset house, London


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Author: Dušan Jovović

    Authors of the contributions: Biljana Jotić, Dušan Jovović

    48 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-867415-252-2


  6. Daliborka Đurić : Avatarization

    Далиборка Ђурић : аватаризација / Daliborka Đurić : Avatarization


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2023

    Author of the contribution: Svetlana Jovičić

    34 pages, illustrations, 24 x 21 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-251-5

    Price: 800.00 dinars

  7. 18<sup>th</sup> International Architecture Exhibition : La Biennale di Venezia : Serbian pavillon : In Reflections : 6°27”48.81”N – 3°14”49.20”E

    18. Међународна изложба архитектуре : La Biennale di Venezia : српски павиљон : У рефлексијама : 6°27”48.81”N - 3°14”49.20”E / 18th International Architecture Exhibition : La Biennale di Venezia : Serbian pavillon : In Reflections : 6°27”48.81”N - 3°14”49.20”E


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Authors of the contributions: Branislava Andjelković Dimitrijević and etc.

    160 pages, illustrations, 23 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-250-8

    Price: 1000.00 dinars

  8. Camilla Ylla Koffler : an Insight into tne Animal World

    Камила Ила Кофлер : поглед у свет животиња / Camilla Ylla Koffler : an Insight into tne Animal World


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Authors of the contributions: Pryor Dodge [ et al.]

    120 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-249-2

    Price:  800.00 dinars

  9. 45<sup>th</sup> Salon of Architecture : Salon of Dialogues

    45. Салон архитектуре : салон дијалога / 45th Salon of Architecture : Salon of Dialogues


    Category: Salon of Architecture; Published: 2023

    Authors of the contributions: Biljana Jotić, Milka Gnjato, Predrag Milutinović

    207 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-248-5

    Price: Sold out

    45. Салон архитектуре – 45th Salon of Architecture.pdf

  10. Boris Podrecca : Archiculture

    Борис Подрека : архикултура / Boris Podrecca : Archiculture


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Authors of the contributions: Adolph Stiller, Boris Podrecca, Biljana Jotić

    160 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-247-8

    Price: 2000.00 dinars