Children’s October Salon / MAA PUBLISHING ACTIVITES

All publications of the Museum of Applied Art can be purchased at the Museum as well as through the internet bookstores and

  1. 58<sup>th</sup> Children’s October Salon : Fear and a Bold Heart

    58. Дечји октобарски салон : страх и храбро срце / 58th Children’s October Salon : Fear and a Bold Heart


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2023

    Authors of catalogs and exhibitions: Milica Cukić, Lea Zei

    146 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-254-6


  2. 57<sup>th</sup> Children’s October Salon : Travels, Oh Those Travels

    57. дечји октобарски салон : путовања, ах та путовања... / 57th Children’s October Salon : Travels, Oh Those Travels


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2022

    Authors of the contributions and exhibition: Milica Cukić, Lea Zei

    128 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-244-7

    Price: 200.00 dinars

  3. 56<sup>th</sup> Children’s October Salon : Play, Play, Play the Game

    56. дечји октобарски салон : игра, игра, игрица / 56th Children’s October Salon : Play, Play, Play the Game


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2021

    Authors of the contributions and exhibition: Milica Cukić, Lea Zei

    87 pages, illustrations, 26 x 27 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-225-6

    Price: 200.00 dinars

  4. 55<sup>th</sup> Children’s October Salon : My Pet

    55. дечји октобарски салон : мој кућни љубимац / 55th Children’s October Salon : My Pet


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2020

    Authors of the contributions and exhibition: Milica Cukić, Lea Zei

    63 pages, illustrations, 22 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-218-8

    Price: 200.00 dinars

  5. 54<sup>th</sup> Children’s October Salon : Let Us Take Care of the Nature, so that the Nature Could Take Care of Us

    54. дечји октобарски салон : чувајмо природу, да би она сачувала нас / 54th Children’s October Salon : Let Us Take Care of the Nature, so that the Nature Could Take Care of Us


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2019

    Authors of the contributions: Milica Cukić, Iva Marković, Duša Jovanović

    87 pages, illustrations, 22 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-215-7

    Price: 200.00 dinars

  6. 53rd Children’s October Salon : Fairy Tales – Once Upon a Time…

    53. Дечји октобарски салон : Бајке – било једном... / 53rd Children’s October Salon : Fairy Tales – Once Upon a Time...


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2018

    Authors of the catalogue: Milica Cukić, Lea Zei

    84 pages, illustrations, 22 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-209-6

    Price: 200.00 dinars

  7. 52nd Children’s October Salon: Music is the Best

    52. Дечји октобарски салон: Музика је најбоља / 52nd Children’s October Salon: Music is the Best


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2017

    Authors of the catalogue: Milica Cukić, Lea Zei

    96 pages, illustrations, 22 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-204-1

    Price: 200.00 dinars

  8. 51st Children’s October Salon : Art in Constellation

    51. дечји октобарски салон : Уметност у сазвежђу / 51st Children’s October Salon : Art in Constellation


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2016

    Author: Milica Cukić
    55 pages, illustrations, 22 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-192-1
    Price: 200.00 dinars

  9. 50th Children’s October Salon : The Art of Creation

    50. дечји октобарски салон : Умеће стварања / 50th Children’s October Salon : The Art of Creation


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2015

    Authors of the contributions: Angelina Folgić-Korjak, Jelena Knežević
    132 pages, illustrations, 22 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-184-6
    Price: 500.00 dinars

  10. 49th Children’s October Salon : I love sport

    49. дечји октобарски салон : ја волим спорт / 49th Children’s October Salon : I love sport


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2014

    Authors of the contributions: Angelina Folgić-Korjak, Jelena Knežević
    51 pages, illustrations, 22 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-175-4
    Price: 200.00 dinars