Exhibition catalogues / MAA PUBLISHING ACTIVITES

All publications of the Museum of Applied Art can be purchased at the Museum as well as through the internet bookstores www.knjizara.com and www.bookbridge.com

  1. On tenderness, responsibility and dreams : Republic of Serbia at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2023.

    О нежности, одговорности и сновима : наступ Републике Србије на Прашком квадријеналу сценског дизајна и сценског простора 2023. / On tenderness, responsibility and dreams : Republic of Serbia at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2023.


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Editors: Biljana Jotić, Sladjana Milićević

    233 pages, illustrations, 23 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-6022-600-8

    ISBN 978-86-6022-599-5 [electronic source]


  2. The stamp of time : the graphic communications of Andreja Milenković

    Жиг времена : графичке комуникације Андреје Миленковића / The stamp of time : the graphic communications of Andreja Milenković


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Author of the contributions and exhibition: Slobodan Jovanović

    78 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-867415-255-3


  3. 134 : Sacred geometry : Republic of Serbia represent, Somerset house, London

    134 : Света геометрија : наступ Републике Србије, Лондонско бијенале дизајна, Сомерсет кућа, Лондон / 134 : Sacred geometry : Republic of Serbia represent, Somerset house, London


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Author: Dušan Jovović

    Authors of the contributions: Biljana Jotić, Dušan Jovović

    48 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-867415-252-2


  4. 18<sup>th</sup> International Architecture Exhibition : La Biennale di Venezia : Serbian pavillon : In Reflections : 6°27”48.81”N – 3°14”49.20”E

    18. Међународна изложба архитектуре : La Biennale di Venezia : српски павиљон : У рефлексијама : 6°27”48.81”N - 3°14”49.20”E / 18th International Architecture Exhibition : La Biennale di Venezia : Serbian pavillon : In Reflections : 6°27”48.81”N - 3°14”49.20”E


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Authors of the contributions: Branislava Andjelković Dimitrijević and etc.

    160 pages, illustrations, 23 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-250-8

    Price: 1000.00 dinars

  5. Camilla Ylla Koffler : an Insight into tne Animal World

    Камила Ила Кофлер : поглед у свет животиња / Camilla Ylla Koffler : an Insight into tne Animal World


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Authors of the contributions: Pryor Dodge [ et al.]

    120 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-249-2

    Price:  800.00 dinars

  6. Boris Podrecca : Archiculture

    Борис Подрека : архикултура / Boris Podrecca : Archiculture


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2023

    Authors of the contributions: Adolph Stiller, Boris Podrecca, Biljana Jotić

    160 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-247-8

    Price: 2000.00 dinars

  7. On the Glass Road: Glass Art and Representation in Serbia 1850-1950

    На стакленом путу : уметност стакла и репрезентација у Србији 1850-1950 / On the Glass Road: Glass Art and Representation in Serbia 1850-1950


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2022

    Author of the contribution: Biljana Crvenković

    256 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in Serbian, concluding remarks in English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-246-1

    Price: 2000.00 dinars

  8. Aleksandar Vac : Layers

    Александар Вац : слојеви / Aleksandar Vac : Layers


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2022

    Authors of the contributions: Jelena Popović, Jasmina Davidović

    75 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-245-4

    Price: 1000.00 dinars

  9. The Fashion World of the Kalef Family

    Модни свет породице Калеф / The Fashion World of the Kalef Family


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2022

    Author of the contribution: Draginja Maskareli

    112 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-243-0

    Price: 800.00 dinars

  10. Gradimir Smudja : The Thread of Art

    Градимир Смуђа : нит уметности / Gradimir Smudja : The Thread of Art


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2022

    Author of the contribution: Slobodan Jovanović

    133 pages, illustrations, 25 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-242-3

    Price: 1000.00 dinars