Salon of the Museum of Applied Art / MAA PUBLISHING ACTIVITES

All publications of the Museum of Applied Art can be purchased at the Museum as well as through the internet bookstores and

  1. Valentina Savić : Home Economics Class : I’ll show you mine if you show me yours

    Валентина Савић : Час домаћинства: I'll show you mine if you show me yours / Valentina Savić : Home Economics Class : I’ll show you mine if you show me yours


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2023

    Authors of the contributions: Jelena Popović, Nada Maćig Sekulić

    119 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-253-9

    Price: 800.00 dinars

  2. Daliborka Đurić : Avatarization

    Далиборка Ђурић : аватаризација / Daliborka Đurić : Avatarization


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2023

    Author of the contribution: Svetlana Jovičić

    34 pages, illustrations, 24 x 21 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-251-5

    Price: 800.00 dinars

  3. Snežana Pešić Rančić : Retrovision

    Снежана Пешић Ранчић: ретровизија / Snežana Pešić Rančić : Retrovision


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2020

    Author of the contribution: Slobodan Ivkov

    64 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-219-5

    Price: 500.00 dinars

  4. Basna o Bobu : retrospektivna izložba Dobrosava Boba Živkovića

    Басна о Бобу : ретроспективна изложба Добросава Боба Живковића / Basna o Bobu : retrospektivna izložba Dobrosava Boba Živkovića


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2019

    Authors of the contributions: Slobodan Jovanović, Jasminka Petrović

    40 pages, illustrations, 14 cm

    Text in Serbian

    ISBN 978-86-7415-214-0

  5. Maja Gecić : Non-Alignes Souvenirs

    Маја Гецић : Несврстани сувенири / Maja Gecić : Non-Alignes Souvenirs


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2019

    Author of the contribution: Marija Radoš

    62 pages, illustrations, 17 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-212-6

    Price: 500.00 dinars

  6. Slobodan Mašić : retrospective exhibition of visual communications

    Слободан Машић : ретроспективна изложба визуелних комуникација / Slobodan Mašić : retrospective exhibition of visual communications


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2018

    Authors of the contributions: Slobodan Jovanović …[ et al.]

    224 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-208-9

    Price:  1,000.00 dinars

  7. Vladan Srdić: You Are What You See: 20 years of visual communications

    Владан Срдић: You Are What You See: 20 година визуелних комуникација / Vladan Srdić: You Are What You See: 20 years of visual communications


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2017

    Authors of the contributions: Slobodan Jovanović …[ et al.]

    184 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-202-7

    Price:  1,000.00 dinars

  8. Nena Skoko Snežana: The Lady and the Unicorn: My Story

    Нена Скоко Снежана: Дама и једнорог: моја прича / Nena Skoko Snežana: The Lady and the Unicorn: My Story


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2017

    Authors of the contributions: Ivana Podnar, Nena Skoko Snežana

    Editor of the catalogue: Bojana Popović

    64 pages, illustrations, 23 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-203-4

    Price:  200.00 dinars

  9. Nina Todorović : Mapping of Deconstruction

    Нина Тодоровић : Мапирање деконструкције / Nina Todorović : Mapping of Deconstruction


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2017

    Authors of the contributions: Maida Gruden, Slobodan Jovanović

    79 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-200-3

    Price: 200.00 dinars

  10. Zdravko Mićanović : Poster Event

    Здравко Мићановић : плакат догађај / Zdravko Mićanović : Poster Event


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2016

    Author: Slobodan Jovanović
    106 pages, illustrations, 23 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-195-2
    Price: 1,000.00 dinars