The Children’s Corner is a specially arranged space on the ground floor of the Museum of Applied Art (entrance from Čubrina Street), which we have specifically equipped for the realization of art workshops before the opening of the 58th Children’s October Salon.

Every year, a large number of children visit the Children’s October Salon, several hundred of whom participate in the workshop programs. During the duration of the event, several renowned artists and other doyens take children on creative journeys of imagination inspired by the exhibition, all in the ambience of the Children’s Corner.

From this fall, the Children’s Corner will continue to work continuously with children of different ages throughout the year as part of the Department of Education and Communication at the MAA.

The first guests of the Museum of Applied Art Children’s corner were the children of the oldest preschool institution in Belgrade’s Old Town ‘Dečji dani,’ from the ‘Dunavsko obdanište’ kindergarten.