Ceramics and Its Dimensions
December 2014 – November 30th 2018
Project Leader: Porzellanikon – The State Museum of Porcelain in Selb (Germany)
Partners: The Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade, Serbia (Module 1); The International Museum of Ceramics, Faenza, Italy (Module 2); The National Museum of Ceramics, Valencia, Spain (Module 3); The Pottery Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, the United Kingdom (Module 5); Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland (Module 6); University of Ulster, the United Kingdom (Module 10); Porzellanikon State Museum, Selb, Germany (Modules 7, 8, and 9)
Associate Partners: The National Museum, Belgrade, Serbia; The National Museum, Ljubljana, Slovenia; The Estonian Museum of Ceramics and Porcelain, Tallinn, Estonia; The Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague, the Czech Republic; The Porcelain Museum, Riga, Latvia
Module 1 Team, Belgrade:
Module 1 Leader: Ljiljana Miletić Abramović, MAA acting director
Coordinators: Biljana Crvenkovic, MAA, Jelena Popovic, MAA
Participants: Bojana Popovic, MAA, Biljana Vukotic, MAA, Biljana Djordjevic, the National Museum
The “Ceramics and Its Dimensions” project is a complex multidisciplinary European project approved by the European Commission under the Creative Europe Programme which deals with social, technological and artistic aspects of ceramics and porcelain. The project comprises 10 modules whose holders are different European institutions (museums, universities, etc.) and it will take place from 2014 to 2018. The project aims at connecting European cultural institutions, industry, science and technology in the field of ceramics and porcelain, as well as documenting the use of ceramics in different European geographical, historical and cultural contexts, starting from the Baroque period up to the present time, with reference to future challenges.
The Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade participates as a partner in this comprehensive European project entitled “Ceramics and Its Dimensions” within the Creative Europe Programme. The premiere and the promotion of the entire project start in Belgrade on May 19th, 2015. In this way, the Museum of Applied Art, together with the National Museum, included as an MAA associate partner, has been entrusted with and given the honour of being the first host of the project, which is of great importance for the inclusion, recognition and positioning of cultural institutions of the Republic of Serbia on the cultural map of Europe.
Two events have been planned to take place in Belgrade: Ceramics between Change and Challenge – between Past and Present Symposium, from May 20th till May 21st 2015, in the Gallery of Frescoes, as well as European Cultural Lifestyle in Ceramics – from Baroque until Today Touring Exhibition, starting on May 19th (opening ceremony) until June 30th 2015, in the Museum of Applied Art galleries.
The “Ceramics and Its Dimensions” project aims to encompass forms of ceramics in Europe in the past, present and future, and place them in this particular union into a sustainable value framework, firmer and more pronounced than ever before. The project wants to create a new common cultural heritage in the field of ceramics, with an awareness of the constant progress in the territory of Europe: the wealth of experiences which certainly represents our diversity, with a view to, probably too ambitious, yet fundamental, creating an operational network for innovation in the field of ceramics at a European level.
The contribution of this project is reflected in the documentation of the cultural tradition of ceramics based on the history of its use in a variety of European cultures, in research pertaining to changes in the way of its use to the present day, as well as in pointing to future challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of ceramic products. The main objective of the project and all its modules is to promote creativity and define the vision of ceramics in the European context, which includes complex cultures and different nations. Common cultural heritage will be presented through databases, catalogues and other joint exhibitions which will be organized once the project has ended. All this will serve as a source of ideas for new products in the field of art, craft and design.
Brochure of the project “Ceramics and Its Dimensions”
You can download brochure of the project “Ceramics and Its Dimensions” as PDF file: