14 May - 30 June 2009

Jury-selected Exhibition of the 13th Ceramics Triennial

Members of the Artistic Council to the 13th Ceramics Triennial consisting of
Biljana Vukotić, Dušan Vujičić, Nenad Radić, Dimitrije Tadić and Olga Šram
made the selection of works to be displayed.

The basic exhibition of Ceramics Triennials has always been marked by competition – it did not change significantly during the past years and from the very beginning its basic aim was to represent the best and the most recent achievements in contemporary ceramics art and design.

“It is with disappointment, regardless of possible reasons, that we note significantly smaller number of exhibitors at the 13th Ceramics Triennial this year as compared to the previous exhibitions. Many of the authors who marked the past ten years with their creations, drew attention at the Triennials and were awarded were missed on this occasion. However proving the continuity in promoting younger generations this year appeared new names among exhibitors.,

This year’s Ceramics Triennial will be remembered for the simplicity, articulateness and conciseness of some of the ceramic forms and the prevailing use of white coloured material by most of the authors. This time those trends which focused at achieving as original and radical departure from ceramics medium as possible are brought under control thus initiating new researches in visual arts, first of all in the field of painting (in the broad sense), wrote Olga Šram in the exhibition catalogue.

International Jury:

  • Bernd Pfannkuche, ceramist, Germany, editor of New Ceramics, one of the most prestigious journals of European ceramics and member of the International Academy of Ceramics, Geneva
  • Jandra Vikova, ceramist, Czech Republic, member of the International Academy of Ceramics, Geneva
  • Karel Plemenitaš, ceramist, Slovenia, years-long participant and winner of Yugoslav Ceramics Triennial awards

The following artists were awarded at the 13th Ceramics Triennial at the opening ceremony, May 14 in the Museum of Applied Art:

Grand Award of the Ceramics Triennial – Larisa Ackov

Second Award of the Ceramics Triennial – Jelena Miletić

Third Award of the Ceramics Triennial – Velimir Vukićević

Young Exhibitor Award – Igor Milićević

Honorary Award – Katarina Lazić Vasiljević

Acquisition of the Awarded Exhibit of the Museum of Applied Art – Ivan Albreht