Assistant : Jelena Gagić
Organizers: Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade and the Modern Gallery “Likovni susret”, Subotica
The Ceramics Triennial, manifestation with the decades-long tradition has well-deserved reputation as the event which embraced the most important accomplishments of the art of ceramics. Enriched by the contemporary ceramic production in which design, technique and concept play crucial roles, the current Ceramics Triennial features artistic creations and individual poetics of the contemporary production, too.
For this, 14th Ceramics Triennial, the total of 62 artists applied, while the selected exhibition features 44 works by 34 authors. According to its established tradition, the Ceramics Triennial is based on contest. The prizes awarded at it act as an acknowledgment of quality, they ministered the affirmation of either artists or tendencies present in their works, they are a sign of success, as well as of the values of the concepts brought about in ceramics. Nine prizes were awarded at the current exhibition.
The exhibition of the 14th Ceramics Triennial features, along with the show of the authorial works, the individual exhibition of artist Larisa Ackov, who presents her works as the laureate of the Grand Prize of the 13th Ceramics Triennial. Works created by a group of Hungarian ceramists, are also on the show, which are housed in the collection of International Ceramic Studio from Kečkemet. Numerous educational, interactive workshops and lectures for students and grade school pupils will take place in Museum of Applied Art.
The cooperation between Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade and the Modern Gallery “Likovni susret” from Subotica, proved very fruitful once more. As organizers of 14th Ceramics Triennial, which took place in Subotica between December 2012 and March 2013, they will present the latest accomplishments and concepts in the contemporary ceramics to the public in Belgrade, as well, between May 11 and May 31, 2013.
The catalog of the exhibition of 14thCeramics Triennial, which was published in Subotica, will be available also in Belgrade, during the exhibition. For this occasion, Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade prepared a leaflet with a short survey of 14th Ceramics Triennial.