14th Ceramics Triennial

14th Ceramics Triennial

11 - 31 May 2013

A Word of Introduction for the Exhibition of Hungarian Ceramists

Joining the exhibition of the 14th Ceramics Triennial in Subotica and Belgrade and upon the invitation by The Modern Gallery “Likovni susret” from Subotica, ten ceramists from Hungary are presenting their works to us, in a form of chamber like set. I chose the material for this chamber like show from the collection of International Ceramic Studio from Kecskemet, because this research institution and experimental workshop of contemporary ceramics presents the most natural source for the selection, since along with the works created by the supreme international artists, this collection also houses the works made by the best Hungarian ceramists.

Margit Gerle, DLA, ceramist, curator
(14th Ceramics Triennial, Modern gallery “Likovni susret”, Subotica 2012-2013)

Предавање "Савремени уметнички студио керамике у Кечкемету"

Емеше Кормош (Emese Kormos)уметнички секретар Атељеа савремене уметности, Кечкемет

Рад из колекције мађарске керамике Жолт Сегеди (Szegedi Zsolt)

Имагинарна баржа, 2006. полупорцелан, бронза, 66 x 68 x 39 cm