A Woman Artist

A Woman Artist

Нове теме и идеје српске керамике после 2000.

06 November 2012 - 31 January 2013

Photographs from Opening Ceremony

06 November 2012

Photographs from guidance through the exhibition

01 December 2012

Photographs from guidance through the exhibition

08 December 2012

Photographs from guidance through the exhibition

19 January 2013

Photographs from the lecture The First Half of the Twentieth Century Belgrade Women Artists and Applied Art, Bojana Popović

24 January 2013

Photographs from Workshops The Ceramic Inspiration – Self-Identificationa

29 November 2012 – Guests of the workshop: Jovana Filipović and Nataša Vasilić, artists

06 December 2012 – Guests of the workshop: Valentina Savić, artist

Photographs from Workshops The World of Ceramic Dreams

12 and 14 December 2012 – Guests of the workshop: Slađana Danojević, artist

12 December 2012 – Guests of the workshop: Biljana Milenović, artist
20 and 21 December 2012 – Guests of the workshop: Jasmina Pejčić, artist

Photographs from Workshops Color Your Own Ceramicsa

18 December 2012 – Guests of the workshop: Vesna Šaula, artist