Ceramic Sculpture

Ceramic Sculpture

Mirjana Isaković

03 - 30 June 2010

Opening speech: Nebojša Bradić, minister of culture of Republic of Serbia

Exhibition curator: Biljana Vukotić, Senior Curator, Department of Contemporary Applied Arts

Ceramic Sculpture, the retrospective of Mirjana Isaković, one of the most eminent Serbian artists in ceramics, will be held at the Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade from 3rd till 30th June 2010. Sixty five select works will be displayed illustrating each creative phase of her work. The exhibition is assembled with the luxurious monograph in Serbian and English creatively designed by Miodrag Bata Knežević, well known designer.

Mirjana Isaković belongs to the first generation of graduated ceramists tutored and inspired by professor and academician, painter Ivan Tabaković. Artistic endeavours accomplished in definite periods of the creative work of the long-time teacher of design ceramics at the Faculty of Apllied Art Mirjana Isaković left powerful traces in Serbian contemporary ceramics.

«The work of Mirjana Isaković spans over almost half a century of ceramic art, the time of the bloom of the domain when the so called «Belgrade school of ceramics» was established, the time that radically changed the understanding of ceramics and its role in art, the time when not only its technological potentials developed but also the perspectives of the limits of ceramic art. In these processes Mirjana Isaković took not only the active part but also made a significant contribution to these changes and by her artistic and educational activities as lecturer of design ceramics at the Faculty of Applied Art in Belgrade she contributed to the propagation of these processes among the young generations and helped the characteristics of Serbian ceramics to become recognizable within Yugoslavia and in the world », wrote Gordana Popović Vasić in the text of the monograph.

During her decades long productive creative life Mirjana Isaković had realized 5 accomplished wholes and each of them would break the boundaries of the field of visual art. They were exhibited at 11 solo exhibitions. She participated at over 150 group exhibitions in the country and aborad and at 30 international award-giving exhibitions. She was awarded with 17 awards 4 of which were international.


During this exhibition Education Department of MAA would organize educative workshops for pre-school children. The aim is in creative way to introduce the work of Mirjana Isaković and contemporary art ceramics to children by having them make objects in Glinamol/modelling clay. The topic of the workshop is Tales from Mythology which inspired the artist in the early stage of her artistic work. The workshops will be held every working day from 12 o’clock in the period from 15th to 30th June 2010.


Visitors are also invited to curatorial guidance open to the public.

  • 8 June 2010 at 12.00 and 13.00
  • 9 June 2010 at 11.00 and 14.00
  • 10 June 2010 at 12.30
  • 12 June 2010 at 11.00

The visitors will be guided by Jelena Knežević, curator at the Education Department of MAA.


maiolica 71 x 70 x 44 cm

Temple I and Temple III

soft stoneware 40 x 22 x 20 cm


soft stoneware 48 x 47 x 14 cm

Coffee For Good Morning

porcelain, cup (ready made), picture transfers 46 x 46 x 20 cm

Melancholy I

porcelain, dry roses 38 x 38 x 15 cm

Flask Rider

maiolica 42 x 30 x 8 cm