Author of the exhibition: Biljana Vukotić, senior curator of the Museum of Applied Art
“The exhibition was conceived as a display of the most successful works by artists of diverse poetic expressions and inclinations. Eighteen artists exhibited their works, tightly related to the art of ceramics, sculpture, installation and multidisciplinary research, utility flatware ceramics, as well as to sculpture that has its basis in the form of the vessel. Different techniques are represented, such as porcelain, terra sigilata, majolica etc.
The foundation of the exhibition are the works by the younger generations of Belgrade artists of different artistic, style, iconographic and technique determinations.
The goal of the exhibition is to point out those artists upon which universal criteria of modern art can be applied. The choice of such tendencies was determined by the present artistic production, which has, during the first years of this century, been intesified by means of artistic ceramics colonies and numerous exhibitions.“
An excerpt from the catalogue text by Biljana Vukotić, senior curator of the Museum of Applied Art
Author of the exhibition: Biljana Vukotić, senior curator of the Museum of Applied Art