There are no reliable documents about the appearance of photo albums in Serbia. We can almost certainly say that they were not produced in the local bookbinding shops, but are, mostly, imports from Germany and Austro-Hungarian Empire. The albums in the collections in The Museum of Applied Art testify to this, as they belong to the known types of albums mass-produced in these countries during the second half of 19th Century.
The collection of photo albums in The Museum of Applied Art contains 37 objects, dating from 1860 to 1940. Among them, there are those whose provenance is known, and that are preserved in their totality, with the original choice and layout of photographs, as those that belonged to famous historic personages – Svetozar Miletić, Anastas Jovanović, Marko Ristić, or more or less known families such as Predić, Jakovljević, Petrović, Antula, Zorić, Smederevac and Vladarski.
A 19th-century photo album, containing primarily family portraits, had a form of visual genealogy of a family. Designed as a monumental codex, with lavish binding and decorated pages, photo album presented a representative family memorabilia that was a part of private collection, a valuable exhibit of private domestic museum. Right from the start, the role of the structure of photo album during 19th Century, which contained primarily portraits of family proper – father, mother and children, and then portraits of extended family – relatives and friends, was to build the identity of a modern family as an essential kernel of civic society. Photo album, as a totality, became one of the most persistent forms of preservation of family’s memory that binds together generations, thus creating a shared family identity.
20th-century photo albums differ from 19th–century ones. In accordance with new values brought by modernity, their structure in founded on the principles of transience and change, not stability and durability as in 19th Century. Family albums of 20th Century are not made of static portraits of family members, cousins and friends, but mostly of the shots that record the everyday life, the dynamics of actual occurrences. They are not focused on the inner circle of home, but on outdoors, a yard, an alley, a river, spa or seaside, in which action takes place as well as the endeavors such as skating, hiking, walking, picnicking, sunbathing and swimming.
The oldest known album was made in Paris. It was in shape of a book, however the sheets were unfoldable and not run over as is usual. The first type of album which was industrially produced around 1860s had 12 sheets and leather binding with simple metal clasping. After 1860 albums producing industry was booming and in the next two decades various forms of photograph albums were patented.
Collection of photograph albums in the Museum of Applied Art consists of 37 objects which all originate from 1860 to 1940 period. For many of them the origin was established and they were preserved as wholes. They keep their original selection and sequence order completely or for the most part of the album such as are albums which belonged to well known historical persons – Svetozar Miletić, Anastas Jovanović, Marko Ristić or more or less known upper middle-class families – Predić, Jakovljević Petrović, Antula, Zorić, Smederevac and Vladarski.
The structure of photograph albums in the 19th century, consisting in the first place of portraits of the family members – father, mother and children and then of portraits of relatives and friends, was from the beginning focused on building identity of a modern family as the core of civic society. This whole came to be one of the most persistent forms of preserving family memories connecting different generations by common memories and shaping their collective, family identity.
The look and structure of photograph albums in the 20th century resemble a photographic diary or a visual memory book. Their aim was not to build the family identity but identity of an individual or to put it more precisely to define individual identity within a family community. Principles of subjectivity and individuality served as guidance both in the manner of photograph taking and in organisation of collected visual material as a family album.