All publications of the Museum of Applied Art can be purchased at the Museum as well as through the internet bookstores and

  1. Snežana Pešić Rančić : Retrovision

    Снежана Пешић Ранчић: ретровизија / Snežana Pešić Rančić : Retrovision


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2020

    Author of the contribution: Slobodan Ivkov

    64 pages, illustrations, 24 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-219-5

    Price: 500.00 dinars

  2. 42<sup>nd</sup> Salon of Architecture

    42. салон архитектуре / 42nd Salon of Architecture


    Category: Salon of Architecture; Published: 2020

    Authors of the contributions: Ljiljana Miletić Abramović, Mustafa Musić …[ et al.]

    256 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN: 978-86-7415-220-1

    Price: 1000.00 dinars

    42. Салон архитектуре – 42nd Salon of Architecture.pdf

  3. Journal 15 / 2019 [Museum of Applied Art]

    Зборник 15 / 2019 [Музеј примењене уметности] / Journal 15 / 2019 [Museum of Applied Art]


    Category: Journal [Museum of Applied Art]; Published: 2019

    Editor of the volume: Andrijana Ristić

    126 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in Serbian; Summary

    ISBN: 0522-8328

    Price: 500.00 dinars

    More about Journal 15 / 2019

  4. Dobrila Stojanović : četiri decenije stručnog i naučnog rada u oblasti tekstila i mode

    Добрила Стојановић : четири деценије стручног и научног рада у области текстила и моде / Dobrila Stojanović : četiri decenije stručnog i naučnog rada u oblasti tekstila i mode


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2019

    Author of the contribution: Andrijana Ristić

    23 pages, illustrations, 22 cm

    Text in Serbian

    ISBN 978-86-7415-216-4

  5. Fashion in Modern Serbia

    Мода у модерној Србији / Fashion in Modern Serbia


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2019

    Author of the contribution: Draginja Maskareli

    144 pages, illustrations, 25 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-217-1

    Price: 1000.00 dinars

  6. 54<sup>th</sup> Children’s October Salon : Let Us Take Care of the Nature, so that the Nature Could Take Care of Us

    54. дечји октобарски салон : чувајмо природу, да би она сачувала нас / 54th Children’s October Salon : Let Us Take Care of the Nature, so that the Nature Could Take Care of Us


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2019

    Authors of the contributions: Milica Cukić, Iva Marković, Duša Jovanović

    87 pages, illustrations, 22 cm

    Text in Serbian and English

    ISBN 978-86-7415-215-7

    Price: 200.00 dinars

  7. Basna o Bobu : retrospektivna izložba Dobrosava Boba Živkovića

    Басна о Бобу : ретроспективна изложба Добросава Боба Живковића / Basna o Bobu : retrospektivna izložba Dobrosava Boba Živkovića


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2019

    Authors of the contributions: Slobodan Jovanović, Jasminka Petrović

    40 pages, illustrations, 14 cm

    Text in Serbian

    ISBN 978-86-7415-214-0

  8. The Old Konak : Belgrade’s Forgotten Residence

    The Old Konak : Belgrade’s Forgotten Residence / The Old Konak : Belgrade’s Forgotten Residence


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2019

    Authors of the contributions: Dejan Vukelić, Jelena Perać, Vladimir Tomić

    125 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in English

    ISBN: 978-86-6433-029-9

    Price: 1000.00 dinars

  9. Stari konak : zaboravljeni beogradski dvor

    Стари конак : заборављени београдски двор / Stari konak : zaboravljeni beogradski dvor


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2019

    Authors of the contributions: Dejan Vukelić, Jelena Perać, Vladimir Tomić

    125 pages, illustrations, 27 cm

    Text in Serbian

    ISBN 978-86-6433-025-1

    Price: 1000.00 dinars

  10. Glassmovement : umetnost stakla

    Glassmovement : уметност стакла / Glassmovement : umetnost stakla


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2019

    Authors of the contributions: L’ubomir Ferko, Lubica Pavlovičova

    20 pages, illustrations, 22 cm

    Text in Serbian

    ISBN 978-86-7415-213-3