All publications of the Museum of Applied Art can be purchased at the Museum as well as through the internet bookstores and

  1. Journal 12 / 2016 (Museum of Applied Art)

    Зборник 12 / 2016 (Музеј примењене уметности) / Journal 12 / 2016 (Museum of Applied Art)


    Category: Journal [Museum of Applied Art]; Published: 2016

    Editor of the volume: Jelena Perać
    127 pages, illustrations, 27 cm
    Text in Serbian; Summary
    ISSN: 0522-8328
    Price: 500.00 dinars

    More about Journal 12 / 2016

  2. Zdravko Mićanović : Poster Event

    Здравко Мићановић : плакат догађај / Zdravko Mićanović : Poster Event


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2016

    Author: Slobodan Jovanović
    106 pages, illustrations, 23 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-195-2
    Price: 1,000.00 dinars

  3. 51st Children’s October Salon : Art in Constellation

    51. дечји октобарски салон : Уметност у сазвежђу / 51st Children’s October Salon : Art in Constellation


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2016

    Author: Milica Cukić
    55 pages, illustrations, 22 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-192-1
    Price: 200.00 dinars

  4. Nikola Knežević: Design as Oxygen

    Никола Кнежевић: Дизајн као кисеоник / Nikola Knežević: Design as Oxygen


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2016

    Authors of the contributions: Biljana Vukotić …[ et al.]
    197 pages, illustrations, 25 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-193-8
    Price: 1,000.00 dinars

  5. Ceramics between Change and Challenge, between Past and Present From Baroque until Today

    Ceramics between Change and Challenge, between Past and Present From Baroque until Today / Ceramics between Change and Challenge, between Past and Present From Baroque until Today


    Category: Special editions; Published: 2016

    Editors: Biljana Crvenković, Jelena Popović
    135 pages, illustrations, 27 cm
    Text in English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-186-0
    Price: 1,000.00 dinars

    Proceedings of Internacional Symposium, Belgrade, Serbia, May 20th – 21st 2015

  6. 38th Salon of Architecture

    38. салон архитектуре / 38th Salon of Architecture


    Category: Salon of Architecture; Published: 2016

    Authors of the contributions: Ljiljana Miletić Abramović …[ et al.]
    217 pages, illustrations, 26 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-191-4
    Price: 500.00 dinars

  7. Curator`s Choice: Acquisitions 2011-2015

    Кустоси су изабрали: аквизиције 2011-2015 / Curator`s Choice: Acquisitions 2011-2015


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2016

    Exhibition curators: Mila Gajić, Draginja Maskareli, Jelena Perać
    Depliant (16 pages), illustrations, 24 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-188-4

  8. The Revival of Beauty: The Restoration of Monumental Ceramic Panels designed by Ivan Tabaković in 1937

    Обнављање лепоте: рестаурација монументалних керамичких паноа Ивана Табаковића из 1937. године / The Revival of Beauty: The Restoration of Monumental Ceramic Panels designed by Ivan Tabaković in 1937


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2016

    Author: Bojana Popović
    Folio (8 pages), illustrations, 17 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-187-7

  9. War and the Poster: 1914-1918

    Рат и плакат: 1914-1918 / War and the Poster: 1914-1918


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2015

    Authors of the contributions: Vladimir Čeh and others
    260 pages, illustrations, 23 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-181-5
    Price: 1,000.00 dinars

  10. Journal 11 / 2015 (Museum of Applied Art)

    Зборник 11 / 2015 (Музеј примењене уметности) / Journal 11 / 2015 (Museum of Applied Art)


    Category: Journal [Museum of Applied Art]; Published: 2015

    Editor of the volume: Draginja Maskareli
    140 pages, illustrations, 27 cm
    Text in Serbian; Summary
    ISSN: 0522-8328
    Price: 500.00 dinars

    More about Journal 11 / 2015