ICOM Serbia, Award for the Institution of the Year 2016

The Museum of Applied Art and the National Museum in Belgrade, Serbia, have received ICOM National Committee Serbia Annual Award for the Institution of the Year 2016 for their joint participation in the international project Ceramics and Its Dimensions. The award ceremony took place in Novi Sad on May 18, 2017.

The Museum of Applied Art and the National Museum in Belgrade, were organizers of Module 1 – Symposium: Ceramics between Change and Challenge – between Past and Present. The Module was launched in 2015 by organizing and holding the Symposium in the Gallery of Frescoes of the National Museum, Belgrade, on May, 20-21, 2015, and it was completed in 2016 with the publication of the Symposium Proceedings titled Ceramics between Change and Challenge – between Past and Present. Twenty participants from nine countries presented their works at the Symposium. At the same time, Museum of Applied Art hosted the exhibition European Cultural Life Style in Ceramics from Baroque until Today ( organized by Museo Irtenternazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza). This two Modules commenced the realization of the whole Project since the exhibition was first opened in Belgrade.

The ICOM National Committee Serbia Annual Award for the Institution of the Year 2016 has been granted to Museum of Applied Art and National Museum in Belgrade for exceptional results achieved in the field of international cultural cooperation, in the development and improvement of museum activities, in the research, protection and presentation of cultural heritage, and thus in the development of culture in Serbia as well.

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Photo credits: Milica Djukić, Tamara Ognjević, Slavko Spasić