MajdanArt 2001 - 2003

MajdanArt 2001 - 2003

An exhibition of jewellery by the participants of the International Symposium of Goldsmithing in Majdanpek , Serbia .

22 April - 12 May 2004

Beatriz Würsch, Zurich / Barcelona

Lecture about modern design of jewellery in Switzerland
“Gallery Jade”

24 th April 2004 , at 14 h

Kristof-Zelveger_Fremdkoerp (1)

Beatriz Würsch, Swiss jewellery designer and artistic director of the gallery “ Forum Ferlandina” in Barcelona , Spain , will present to Belgrade public the contemporary trends in Swiss design of jewellery, with her lecture and slide presentation in the Jade Gallery of the Museum of Applied Art .

The Gallery “Forum Ferlandina” in Barcelona , led by Beatriz Würsch since 1996, is a gallery specialized for modern jewellery, with a workshop space for artists arriving from all over the world and with multimedia projects and conferences to encourage research about this area and its culturological references.

The career of Beatriz Würsch is linked mostly to Switzerland and Spain (Catalonia in particular), but proceeds successfully in several other European countries (Germany, Poland, France, United Kingdom, Turkey…) As an expert for Japanese techniques of jewellery design, Beatriz Würsch is one of the best-informed about the international scene, and one of the most active supporters of trans-cultural exchange of information and experiences in this area of modern design.

The stay of Beatriz Würsch in Belgrade has been organized jointly by the Museum of Applied Art and the Swiss Embassy in Belgrade .