All publications of the Museum of Applied Art can be purchased at the Museum as well as through the internet bookstores and

  1. 34th Salon of Architecture

    34. salon arhitekture / 34th Salon of Architecture


    Category: Salon of Architecture; Published: 2012

    Authors of the contributions: Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović, Slobodan Danko Selinkić
    251 pages, illustrations, 26 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-154-9
    Price: 500.00 dinars

  2. Journal 7 / 2011 (Museum of Applied Art)

    Zbornik 7 / 2011 (Muzej primenjene umetnosti) / Journal 7 / 2011 (Museum of Applied Art)


    Category: Journal [Museum of Applied Art]; Published: 2011

    Editor of the volume: Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović
    167 pages, illustrations, 27 cm
    Text in Serbian; Summary
    ISSN: 0522-8328
    Price: 500.00 dinars

    More about Journal 7 / 2011

  3. Primenjena umetnost i Beograd : 1918-1941

    Primenjena umetnost i Beograd : 1918-1941 / Primenjena umetnost i Beograd : 1918-1941


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2011

    Author: Bojana Popović
    263 pages, illustrations, 27 cm
    Text in Serbian; Summary
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-153-2
    Price: 1,000.00 dinars

  4. 46th Children’s October Salon : Dositej – Year of Knowlwdge

    46. dečji oktobarski salon : Dositej – godina znanja : 1811-2011 / 46th Children’s October Salon : Dositej – Year of Knowlwdge


    Category: Children’s October Salon; Published: 2011

    Authors of the contributions: Angelina Folgić-Korjak, Jelena Knežević
    80 pages, illustrations, 22 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-152-5
    Price: 200.00 dinars

  5. Wedding Dresses in Serbia in the Second Half of the 19th and the Beginning of 20th Century : from the Collection of MAA

    Venčane haljine u Srbiji u drugoj polovini XIX i početkom XX veka : iz kolekcije MPU / Wedding Dresses in Serbia in the Second Half of the 19th and the Beginning of 20th Century : from the Collection of MAA


    Category: Exhibition catalogues; Published: 2011

    Author: Draginja Maskareli
    Poster catalog
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-151-8
    Price: 200.00 dinars

  6. Significity Two : Fifty Years of Communications in Serbia : 1960-2010

    Znakovito dva : pedeset godina grafičkih komunikacija u Srbiji : 1960-2010 / Significity Two : Fifty Years of Communications in Serbia : 1960-2010


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2011

    Author: Radomir Vuković
    100 pages, illustrations, 27 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-150-1
    Price: 1,000.00 dinars

  7. Džoja Ratković-Gavela : With Windmills

    Džoja Ratković-Gavela : Sa vetrenjačama / Džoja Ratković-Gavela : With Windmills


    Category: Salon of the Museum of Applied Art; Published: 2011

    Authors of the contributions: Slobodan Jovanović, Nikola Kusovac
    151 pages, illustrations, 26 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-149-5
    Price: 1,000.00 dinars

  8. 33rd Salon of Architecture

    33. salon arhitekture / 33rd Salon of Architecture


    Category: Salon of Architecture; Published: 2011

    Authors of the contributions: Ljiljana Blagojević, Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović
    272 pages, illustrations, 26 cm
    Text in Serbian and English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-148-8
    Price: Sold out

  9. 55 Years of the Museum of Applied Art: 1950-2005 English edition

    55 Years of the Museum of Applied Art: 1950-2005 Englesko izdanje / 55 Years of the Museum of Applied Art: 1950-2005 English edition


    Category: Special editions; Published: 2010

    Editor in Chief: Ivanka Zorić
    281 pages, illustrations, 28 cm
    Text in English
    ISBN: 978-86-7415-137-2
    The publication is available only in PDF format.

  10. Journal 6 / 2010 (Museum of Applied Art)

    Zbornik 6 / 2010 (Muzej primenjene umetnosti) / Journal 6 / 2010 (Museum of Applied Art)


    Category: Journal [Museum of Applied Art]; Published: 2010

    Editor of the volume: Ljiljana Miletić-Abramović
    229 pages, illustrations, 27 cm
    Text in Serbian; Summary
    ISSN: 0522-8328
    Price: 500.00 dinars

    More about Journal 6 / 2010